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How to Learn Math As An Adult: 6 Steps 

02 02 2024

03 04 2024

6 Steps 

How to Learn Math As An Adult

Learning mathematics as an adult can be a challenging endeavor. However, it’s a task that can be accomplished by anyone willing to put in the effort and stay committed. Practical experience demonstrates that, when approached correctly, with access to good learning materials, and a determination to persist through the initial weeks, any adult can become proficient in this subject.

In this article, we’re going to dive into the world of numbers and equations to show you how to learn math as an adult. We understand that learning math as an adult can be a bit intimidating, but don’t worry, we’ve got your back! We’ll walk you through some practical tips and tricks on how to get better at math for adults. Whether you’re brushing up on your skills for work, helping your kids with their homework, or just looking to challenge yourself, we’ve got all the advice you need to make math your new best friend. So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s demystify math together.

Step 1: Set Your Goals

When you’re diving into a new subject as an adult, it’s super important to kick things off with some clear goals. Think of it like setting up a roadmap for your learning journey. For instance, if you’re looking to boost your math skills, ask yourself why. Is it to up your game at work, help your kiddos with their homework, or just give your brain a good workout?

Once you’ve got your big-picture goal in sight, break it down into bite-sized pieces. If your aim is to get better at math for your job, you might set smaller goals like getting the hang of specific formulas, nailing those times tables, or getting sharper at solving puzzles. Give yourself some deadlines to keep things on track, and don’t forget to pat yourself on the back as you hit each milestone. Watching your progress unfold is a great way to keep the motivation high and make the whole learning thing feel like a rewarding adventure!

Here’s a quick tip for you: When setting goals, consider using interactive platforms like Leapsome. It’s a game-changer! Not only does it keep you on track with automatic progress updates and friendly reminders, but it also lets you see how you’re doing in your one-on-one meetings and performance reviews. Plus, you can tailor who gets to see your goals, whether it’s just a few colleagues, your full team, or even the entire company. It’s like having a personal goal assistant! Leapsome is not the only player in the game when it comes to goal-setting platforms. If you’re looking for more options, check out these cool services: Asana, ClickUp, Factorial, monday.com, Mooncamp, and Notion. Each one has its own unique features, so you can find the perfect fit for your goal-setting style!

Step 2: Whip Up a Learning Plan

Alright, let’s talk about crafting a learning plan that’s as tailored to you as your favorite playlist. This plan is your roadmap to success, helping you stay on track, focus on what matters, and adjust as you go.

Here’s the lowdown on creating your plan:

  • Carve out your time. Figure out how much time you can realistically devote to learning each day or week. Remember, life happens, so aim for a balance that won’t leave you burned out.
  • Break it down. Tackle that mountain of info by breaking it into bite-sized chunks. It’ll keep things manageable and keep your motivation from dipping.
  • Pick your priorities. Some bits are going to be more crucial than others. Start with the biggies to get the most bang for your buck.

And for keeping all this organized:

  • Go digital with planners. Tools like Google Calendar and Trello are your friends for scheduling, task tracking, and note-keeping.
  • Keep time on your side. Apps like Toggl or RescueTime are great for making sure your learning time doesn’t vanish into thin air.
  • Note it down. Stash your notes and materials in one spot with apps like Evernote or OneNote.

Just remember to stay flexible. Your learning plan should be like a good pair of jeans—comfortable enough to move with you as your goals and schedule evolve.

Step 3: Gear Up with the Right Stuff

Alright, let’s get down to brass tacks and gather up all the goodies you need for this learning adventure. Keep those goals you set in step one front and center, and hunt down resources that’ll help you hit the mark. Here are a few websites that are like treasure troves for learners:

  • OpenStax. This gem offers up free textbooks on a whole bunch of subjects, from math and science to humanities. It’s like hitting the jackpot for top-notch, wallet-friendly materials.
  • Mathplanet. Got a math itch that needs scratching? Mathplanet has got your back with free tutorials, video lessons, and exercises in algebra and geometry. It’s like having a math tutor at your fingertips.
  • Coursera. This is the place to be if you’re craving courses from big-name universities and colleges. Whether you’re into math, coding, business, or something else, Coursera’s got a course for that.

When you’re rounding up your materials, make sure they’re in line with your goals and where you’re at knowledge-wise. And keep everything neat and organized, so you can grab what you need without breaking a sweat during your study sessions.

Quick Tip: If you want to skip the first three steps, grab a math tutor! They’ll help you nail down your goals, whip up a study schedule, and pick out the best resources. But wait, there’s more! A math tutor brings a bunch of other perks to the table:

  • Customized learning: Your tutor will zero in on what you need, tweaking the lessons to fit your goals like a glove.
  • Study on your time: You call the shots on when to have lessons, so you can juggle learning with everything else you’ve got going on.
  • Cheerleader and coach: Besides helping you crack those math problems, your tutor will be your personal cheer squad, keeping you motivated and on track.

Check out the Mathema platform, where you can find a tutor for just about anything you require, even if you’re an adult with unique goals. Whether you’re gearing up for exams or just want to level up your math skills, you’ll find the perfect tutor to help you make it happen.

Step 4: Dive Into Tests

Tests are like a mirror, showing you how well you’ve got the hang of things and pointing out any spots you might have missed. 

Here’s the lowdown on why testing is key:

  • Keeping track: Tests are your personal progress trackers, giving you a clear picture of what you know and what you need to work on.
  • Spotting the gaps: The results are like a roadmap, highlighting the areas where you need a bit more practice or a deeper dive.

Now, here’s where a math tutor can really shine:

  • Test selection: They can handpick or whip up tests that are just right for your level and goals.
  • Breaking down the results: Your tutor can help you make sense of your scores, figure out where you’re struggling, and plan your next moves.
  • Cheering you on: They’re like your personal coach, keeping you pumped and focused, even when the going gets tough.

Where to Look for Math Tests

Here are three cool websites where you can jump into both free and paid math tests on all sorts of topics:

  • IXL Math: Dive into this platform for some structured learning fun. You can tackle math questions online or on your mobile, and they’re all sorted by skills with handy visual aids. It’s like having a math coach in your pocket! Just a heads-up, it requires a subscription starting at $9.95 per month.
  • Mathplanet: This place is a treasure trove of video classes, written content, and exercises. Whether you’re gearing up for the SATs or just brushing up on algebra and geometry, it’s all here. And the best part? It’s totally free!
  • Math10: Ready for a math challenge? This website has got you covered with a bunch of tests and quizzes for different grades and topics. From simple addition to complex geometry, you can test your skills without spending a dime.

Step 5: Hit the Replay Button on Your Learning

Think of reviewing what you’ve learned in math as hitting the replay button on your favorite song. It’s all about getting those concepts to stick in your mind and making sure you really get the hang of them. Every time you go over the material, it’s like strengthening the signal in your brain, making it easier for you to pull up those math skills when you need them.

But here’s the kicker: reviewing isn’t just about making sure you remember stuff. It’s also your secret weapon for spotting any bits you might not have fully grasped the first time around. It’s like doing a systems check to make sure everything’s running smoothly before you hit the road.

And let’s not forget about flexing those brain muscles. Going over what you’ve learned helps you dig deeper into the concepts and see how they all fit together, which is super important when you’re trying to apply math to real-world problems.

So, how do you make your review sessions rock? Mix it up with different methods like working through problems, jotting down key points, flipping through flashcards, or using cool learning apps. And remember, a good review session before a big test or exam can be the difference between acing it and just scraping by.

Step 6: Make math a part of your life

Follow Your Interests

Mathematics encompasses seven major branches: fundamentals, arithmetic, algebra, analysis, combinatorics, geometry, topology, and applied mathematics. Each of these branches contains topics that could capture your interest. For instance, if you’re keen on artificial intelligence, you can begin with linear algebra. If you enjoy playing poker, delve into probability theory.

It’s important to note that this approach is better suited for adult learners. When teaching mathematics to children, it’s advisable to start with the basics and gradually progress to more complex concepts.

Engage with Games

Gamification is a highly effective method for facilitating learning. Here are some mobile games that can assist you in mastering mathematics quickly:

  • Quick Brain: A mobile game that presents elementary questions, including mathematical ones, encouraging children to understand mathematics and enhance their logical thinking.
  • Available on Android and iOS.
  • Math Games: Similar to the previous game but with more challenging tasks and a variety of game formats. Available on Android.
  • Math | Riddles and Puzzles: A collection of “olympiad-style” tasks, puzzles, and brain teasers that not only require mathematical knowledge but also demand logical thinking to solve. Suitable for both children and adults.Available on Android and iOS.

Tackle Fascinating Problems

When studying any subject, it’s essential to make the learning process engaging. This approach enables you to delve deep into the subject matter and prevents losing interest after a few weeks. If you find a particular topic uninspiring, switch to another one that captivates your interest. Seek out problems and tasks that you enjoy solving. Brilliant.org is a website that offers interactive and well-visualized math problems across various mathematical areas, making online math learning a more exciting endeavor.

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How to Learn Math As An Adult: 6 Steps 

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Про репетитора

Learning mathematics as an adult can be a challenging endeavor. However, it’s a task that can be accomplished by anyone willing to put in the effort and stay committed. Practical experience demonstrates that, when approached correctly, with access to good learning materials, and a determination to persist through the initial weeks, any adult can become proficient in this subject.

In this article, we’re going to dive into the world of numbers and equations to show you how to learn math as an adult. We understand that learning math as an adult can be a bit intimidating, but don’t worry, we’ve got your back! We’ll walk you through some practical tips and tricks on how to get better at math for adults. Whether you’re brushing up on your skills for work, helping your kids with their homework, or just looking to challenge yourself, we’ve got all the advice you need to make math your new best friend. So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s demystify math together.

Step 1: Set Your Goals

When you’re diving into a new subject as an adult, it’s super important to kick things off with some clear goals. Think of it like setting up a roadmap for your learning journey. For instance, if you’re looking to boost your math skills, ask yourself why. Is it to up your game at work, help your kiddos with their homework, or just give your brain a good workout?

Once you’ve got your big-picture goal in sight, break it down into bite-sized pieces. If your aim is to get better at math for your job, you might set smaller goals like getting the hang of specific formulas, nailing those times tables, or getting sharper at solving puzzles. Give yourself some deadlines to keep things on track, and don’t forget to pat yourself on the back as you hit each milestone. Watching your progress unfold is a great way to keep the motivation high and make the whole learning thing feel like a rewarding adventure!

Here’s a quick tip for you: When setting goals, consider using interactive platforms like Leapsome. It’s a game-changer! Not only does it keep you on track with automatic progress updates and friendly reminders, but it also lets you see how you’re doing in your one-on-one meetings and performance reviews. Plus, you can tailor who gets to see your goals, whether it’s just a few colleagues, your full team, or even the entire company. It’s like having a personal goal assistant! Leapsome is not the only player in the game when it comes to goal-setting platforms. If you’re looking for more options, check out these cool services: Asana, ClickUp, Factorial, monday.com, Mooncamp, and Notion. Each one has its own unique features, so you can find the perfect fit for your goal-setting style!

Step 2: Whip Up a Learning Plan

Alright, let’s talk about crafting a learning plan that’s as tailored to you as your favorite playlist. This plan is your roadmap to success, helping you stay on track, focus on what matters, and adjust as you go.

Here’s the lowdown on creating your plan:

  • Carve out your time. Figure out how much time you can realistically devote to learning each day or week. Remember, life happens, so aim for a balance that won’t leave you burned out.
  • Break it down. Tackle that mountain of info by breaking it into bite-sized chunks. It’ll keep things manageable and keep your motivation from dipping.
  • Pick your priorities. Some bits are going to be more crucial than others. Start with the biggies to get the most bang for your buck.

And for keeping all this organized:

  • Go digital with planners. Tools like Google Calendar and Trello are your friends for scheduling, task tracking, and note-keeping.
  • Keep time on your side. Apps like Toggl or RescueTime are great for making sure your learning time doesn’t vanish into thin air.
  • Note it down. Stash your notes and materials in one spot with apps like Evernote or OneNote.

Just remember to stay flexible. Your learning plan should be like a good pair of jeans—comfortable enough to move with you as your goals and schedule evolve.

Step 3: Gear Up with the Right Stuff

Alright, let’s get down to brass tacks and gather up all the goodies you need for this learning adventure. Keep those goals you set in step one front and center, and hunt down resources that’ll help you hit the mark. Here are a few websites that are like treasure troves for learners:

  • OpenStax. This gem offers up free textbooks on a whole bunch of subjects, from math and science to humanities. It’s like hitting the jackpot for top-notch, wallet-friendly materials.
  • Mathplanet. Got a math itch that needs scratching? Mathplanet has got your back with free tutorials, video lessons, and exercises in algebra and geometry. It’s like having a math tutor at your fingertips.
  • Coursera. This is the place to be if you’re craving courses from big-name universities and colleges. Whether you’re into math, coding, business, or something else, Coursera’s got a course for that.

When you’re rounding up your materials, make sure they’re in line with your goals and where you’re at knowledge-wise. And keep everything neat and organized, so you can grab what you need without breaking a sweat during your study sessions.

Quick Tip: If you want to skip the first three steps, grab a math tutor! They’ll help you nail down your goals, whip up a study schedule, and pick out the best resources. But wait, there’s more! A math tutor brings a bunch of other perks to the table:

  • Customized learning: Your tutor will zero in on what you need, tweaking the lessons to fit your goals like a glove.
  • Study on your time: You call the shots on when to have lessons, so you can juggle learning with everything else you’ve got going on.
  • Cheerleader and coach: Besides helping you crack those math problems, your tutor will be your personal cheer squad, keeping you motivated and on track.

Check out the Mathema platform, where you can find a tutor for just about anything you require, even if you’re an adult with unique goals. Whether you’re gearing up for exams or just want to level up your math skills, you’ll find the perfect tutor to help you make it happen.

Step 4: Dive Into Tests

Tests are like a mirror, showing you how well you’ve got the hang of things and pointing out any spots you might have missed. 

Here’s the lowdown on why testing is key:

  • Keeping track: Tests are your personal progress trackers, giving you a clear picture of what you know and what you need to work on.
  • Spotting the gaps: The results are like a roadmap, highlighting the areas where you need a bit more practice or a deeper dive.

Now, here’s where a math tutor can really shine:

  • Test selection: They can handpick or whip up tests that are just right for your level and goals.
  • Breaking down the results: Your tutor can help you make sense of your scores, figure out where you’re struggling, and plan your next moves.
  • Cheering you on: They’re like your personal coach, keeping you pumped and focused, even when the going gets tough.

Where to Look for Math Tests

Here are three cool websites where you can jump into both free and paid math tests on all sorts of topics:

  • IXL Math: Dive into this platform for some structured learning fun. You can tackle math questions online or on your mobile, and they’re all sorted by skills with handy visual aids. It’s like having a math coach in your pocket! Just a heads-up, it requires a subscription starting at $9.95 per month.
  • Mathplanet: This place is a treasure trove of video classes, written content, and exercises. Whether you’re gearing up for the SATs or just brushing up on algebra and geometry, it’s all here. And the best part? It’s totally free!
  • Math10: Ready for a math challenge? This website has got you covered with a bunch of tests and quizzes for different grades and topics. From simple addition to complex geometry, you can test your skills without spending a dime.

Step 5: Hit the Replay Button on Your Learning

Think of reviewing what you’ve learned in math as hitting the replay button on your favorite song. It’s all about getting those concepts to stick in your mind and making sure you really get the hang of them. Every time you go over the material, it’s like strengthening the signal in your brain, making it easier for you to pull up those math skills when you need them.

But here’s the kicker: reviewing isn’t just about making sure you remember stuff. It’s also your secret weapon for spotting any bits you might not have fully grasped the first time around. It’s like doing a systems check to make sure everything’s running smoothly before you hit the road.

And let’s not forget about flexing those brain muscles. Going over what you’ve learned helps you dig deeper into the concepts and see how they all fit together, which is super important when you’re trying to apply math to real-world problems.

So, how do you make your review sessions rock? Mix it up with different methods like working through problems, jotting down key points, flipping through flashcards, or using cool learning apps. And remember, a good review session before a big test or exam can be the difference between acing it and just scraping by.

Step 6: Make math a part of your life

Follow Your Interests

Mathematics encompasses seven major branches: fundamentals, arithmetic, algebra, analysis, combinatorics, geometry, topology, and applied mathematics. Each of these branches contains topics that could capture your interest. For instance, if you’re keen on artificial intelligence, you can begin with linear algebra. If you enjoy playing poker, delve into probability theory.

It’s important to note that this approach is better suited for adult learners. When teaching mathematics to children, it’s advisable to start with the basics and gradually progress to more complex concepts.

Engage with Games

Gamification is a highly effective method for facilitating learning. Here are some mobile games that can assist you in mastering mathematics quickly:

  • Quick Brain: A mobile game that presents elementary questions, including mathematical ones, encouraging children to understand mathematics and enhance their logical thinking.
  • Available on Android and iOS.
  • Math Games: Similar to the previous game but with more challenging tasks and a variety of game formats. Available on Android.
  • Math | Riddles and Puzzles: A collection of “olympiad-style” tasks, puzzles, and brain teasers that not only require mathematical knowledge but also demand logical thinking to solve. Suitable for both children and adults.Available on Android and iOS.

Tackle Fascinating Problems

When studying any subject, it’s essential to make the learning process engaging. This approach enables you to delve deep into the subject matter and prevents losing interest after a few weeks. If you find a particular topic uninspiring, switch to another one that captivates your interest. Seek out problems and tasks that you enjoy solving. Brilliant.org is a website that offers interactive and well-visualized math problems across various mathematical areas, making online math learning a more exciting endeavor.

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